Fine Lines
Title: Fine Lines: Walking the Labyrinth of Grief and Loss
Author: Kathy Swaar
Genre: Grief & Bereavement Nonfiction
Custom typesetting for paperback & eBook
Project management: Cover design + proofreading
Cover design by Susi Clark at Creative Blueprint Design
Cover and interior illustrations copyright © 2015, Kathryn Coneway
“Ines’s attention to detail and communications skills are stellar. At every point in the process I knew exactly what was happening, and how the project was coming together. Since she was coordinating not just the formatting of my book but the work of the proofreader and cover designer as well, this was no small feat. All proceeded seamlessly, and finished on schedule, exactly as promised. Ines demonstrated over and over again that she cared not just for my project, but also for me as a fellow human being and creative. That, too, is no small feat in today’s competitive world.”